Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

29298 - Ethical and Political Foundations of Consumption / Adaptation Course

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29298 - Ethical and Political Foundations of Consumption / Adaptation Course
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
First semester
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

This course is a quarterly, and is a complement of 2 ECTS training that belongs to the Course of adaptation to the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

Its methodology is eminently practical and allows to reach the basic competences of the Dietitian-Nutritionist profession from the ethical and political perspectives, developed the critical capacity of the professional and providing resources for the diagnosis and solution of the critical problems that may arise in the field of Its exercise.

The flexibility of its methodology and its evaluation allow this subject to be carried out in the context of an adaptation course and taking into account the students' conditioning.

1.2. Recommendations to take this course

The student has to choose between the continuous evaluation mode or the final evaluation mode. Any personal conditioning has to be exposed to the teacher in the first sessions, either in writing via e-mail (, or in person. The flexibility of the methodology and of the evaluation must guarantee that the students achieve the basic competences necessary for their adaptation to the degree.

1.3. Context and importance of this course in the degree

This course is included in the framework of the bridge course to obtain the Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. It is intended to provide study tools that enable an in-depth analysis of the ethical and political aspects that derive from the production and consumption system of today's world. Being a subject that courses people who already have a Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics, the study focuses on the consumption and production of food products. The aim is to ensure that the persons entitled have a broad perspective on the consequences, both ethical and political, of the mechanisms that allow the phenomenon of consumption. The basic competences acquired should enable the exercise of the Dietitian-Nutritionist profession in a sustainable and respectful framework both with health, with the environment, with society and with the work of the people involved in the production process and consumption.

1.4. Activities and key dates

As this course is every four months, the final exam takes place in January. The official date and place will also be announced on the faculty bulletin board.

2.1. Learning goals

The student, to overcome this course, must demonstrate the following results ...
1. Recognize the essential elements of the Dietitian-Nutritionist profession, including ethical principles, political budgets, legal responsibilities and the exercise of the profession, applying the principle of social justice to professional practice and developing it with respect for people , Their habits, beliefs and cultures.
2. Know rigorously the fundamentals of consumer society, its origin and development.
3. To discover and understand the causes and consequences of the current tendency towards consumerism, from the ethical, political and cultural points of view.
4. Promote a personal reflection on the present attitudes towards consumption, considering the aberrations of consumerism and its consequences.
5. To develop an ethical sensitivity to the main problems that the current consumer economy is generating in the various fields: ecology, distribution of wealth in the world, advertising, wars, debates on human behavior with animals, etc.
6. To know and differentiate the anthropological and sociological bases that support the so-called "consumption era".

2.2. Importance of learning goals

The tools that are provided to students in this subject are important because they will allow them to have an ethical and political perspective on the production and consumption processes. These tools may be useful for acquiring an ethical conscience about consumer products in general. While the emphasis will be on knowledge about the consumption of food products, students will be able to apply their knowledge about the ethical and political grounds of consumption to any other type of product. In addition, it will be able to find forms of responsible consumption, so necessary in our current society.

3.1. Aims of the course

The course and its expected results respond to the following approaches and objectives:
The objective of this subject is to provide the basic skills to diagnose the ethical and political aspects of consumption, especially food, in our society today.
For this, the students must obtain certain knowledge about the society of consumption:
- Know how to explain the origins and formation of the consumer society.
- To be able to analyze certain fundamental features of the current consumer society.
- Be able to point out the ethical and political consequences of mass production and consumption of products.
- To know certain consumption alternatives and to know how to analyze the ethical-political consequences they have for our societies.

3.2. Competences

By passing the course, the student will be more competent to ... 1. Apply ethical principles and legal responsibilities to the professional practice of the dietitian-nutritionist, developing it with respect for people, their habits, beliefs and cultures. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of the limits of the profession and its competences, identifying when it is necessary an interdisciplinary treatment or referral to another professional. 3. Maintain and update professional competence. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of the main concepts of the field of ethics and be able to relate them to the moral task that every person has in life, understood as a moral task protected in an ethical reflection. 5. Discern the political foundations on which consumer practices rest in contemporary society and the consequences of their possible alternatives. 6. Develop criteria to diagnose the main ethical conflicts that may appear in the exercise of professional competencies. 7. Design solutions for potential conflicts within the framework of contemporary political theories.

4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

The student must demonstrate that he / she has achieved the expected learning outcomes through the following assessment activities Make a bibliographic review of a text that the teacher will propose in the initial session of the course. The work will be compulsory and will follow a script that the teacher will present in the first classes. Carrying out the work-scripts that the teacher will provide along with a selection of bibliographic fragments. Preparation of a written test of evaluation that will be about the work of reading and about the different scripts-work done by the student. The written test can be done with the support of the material developed by the student during the course. The written test will consist of two topics to be developed: 1 A topic on the selection of bibliographical fragments (50%). 2) A topic about reading (50%). A. For students who opt for a continuous evaluation the percentage of qualification will be the following: 1. Work-Recension: 25% 2. Scripts-Work: 25% 3. Written test: 50% B. For students who opt for a final evaluation the percentage of qualification will be the following: 1. Work-Recension: 20% 2. Written test: 80% Note: It will be facilitated, as far as possible, attention to diversity in the evaluation of the subject, taking into account the labor and social conditions of the students, favoring their evaluation in each case. It is necessary to present, in writing through e-mail or in person, the conditions that have to be met.   Grading System.   The numerical rating shall be expressed in accordance with what is established in art. 5.2 of Royal Decree 1125/2003 of 5 September (BOE 18 of September), which establishes the European system of credits and the system of qualifications in the university degrees of official character and validity in the whole national territory ". Thus, grades will be established in the following range: 0 to 4.9: Suspended (S); From 5.0 to 6.9: Approved (A); From 7.0 to 8.9: Remarkable (N); From 9.0 to 10: Outstanding (SB). The mention of Honor Matrícula can be granted to students who have obtained a grade equal or superior to 9,0.

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following: The learning process of this subject is based on the analysis of texts, which provide theoretical us to better understand the processes of production and consumption of tools. In these texts, the ethical and political aspects of the consumer society will be sought.

1. Lecture participatory.

2. Seminars of group problem solving and cases.

3. Study of content related to the lectures, preparation of seminars, information search and further reading.

4. Performing various tests for verification of the acquisition of both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills acquisition.

5.2. Learning tasks


1. Selection and exhibition texts
2. Comment text
3. Recensión literature and research
4. Development of conceptual synthesis.

5.3. Syllabus

1. Theoretical Foundations of consumption.
1.1 . Birth and development of the consumer society .
1.2 . Need and consumption in the history of economic and political thought .
1.3 . Analysis of economic and political theories of consumption.
1.4 . institutional foundations of cultural theories of consumption .
1.5 . Approach to a consumption - reflective normative ethics.  
2. Contemporary problems of consumption.
2.1 . Ecology and environmental ethics.
2.2 . Ethics consumption and advertising.
2.3 . Consumption , freedom and happiness.
2.4 . anthropological, sociological and political inequalities in the distribution of wealth in the world bases.
2.5 . Ethics and new technologies.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works

1st Session: Presentation of the subject
2nd Session: Presentation of selected texts
Session 3: Presentation of the main reading
Following sessions: Analysis and commentary of selected texts
Session evaluation : Written test
Note : The work mandatory recession will be presented under the direction of Professor fifteen days before the official date of the written test in both convocvatorias.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


Bauman, Zygmunt. Work, Consumerism and the New Poor / Zygmunt Bauman; translation by Victoria de los Angeles Boschiroli. - [1a. Ed.] Barcelona: Gedisa, 2000

Cortina Orts, Adela. An ethical consumer: consumer citizenship in a global world / Adela Cortina Madrid: Taurus, D.L. 2002

Fukuyama, Francis. The big break / Francis Fukuyama; Translation Laura Paredes. - 1st ed. Barcelona [etc.]: Ediciones B, 2000

Lipovetsky, Gilles. The era of emptiness: essays on contemporary / Gilles Lipovetsky individualism. - 8th ed. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2010

Nussbaum, Martha Craven (Building capacity: proposal for human development / Martha C. Nussbaum - 1st ed, 5th reimpr Barcelona. Paidós, 2015....

Putnam, Robert D .. Bowling Alone: ​​The collapse and revival of American community / Robert D. Putnam; José Luis Gil translation Arist